Annaliisa and I met in the painting class at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Art and Design - we’ve previously collaborated on a publication in homage to Etel Adnan, called Élan. We had also been the HiWis for our class, and through this job had recognised and were able to develop methods of care for ourselves and the other students within the class; this position, especially in the organisation of excursions, made us aware of each classmate’s context - in terms of financial, language and academic capacities.
Welchem Themenfeld der Ausstellung fühlst Du Dich mit deinen Arbeiten am ehesten zugehörig?
Not sure.
Warum hast Du Dich auf „Imagine Transparency" beworben?
In discussing the collective’s ambitions with this group exhibition, we understand das Kurativ’s work to be addressing precarities in the art-making industry that are linked to issues of inequality – for example age, motherhood, education, class. We care about these issues, too.
Kurzbeschreibung Deines eingereichten Projekts:
In the making of this work, we think about moving through stretched time, also in terms of gestation, the accumulation of cells and memories and scars.
Was oder wen siehst Du aktuell nicht in „der Kunstszene“ bzw. was fehlt Dir?
Noeud de Point/ Point de Noeud, 2023. Cotton, wood, nylon. Collaboratively embroidered cotton fabric, draped on a wooden frame. 130 x 470 x 200 cm (LxBxH) Bahadur, Felisha. Krage, Annaliisa. VG-Bildkunst, Bonn, 2023.